Virtualization | - Overview of Virtualization
- Installing VMWare Workstation
- Configuring and Managing VMWare Workstation
- Creating Virtual Machines
- Configuring Virtual Machines
- Managing Virtual Machines
- Configuring VMWare Workstation Storage
- Configuring VMWare Workstation Networking
- Advance Settings of VMWare Workstation
Installing Windows 11 | - Overview of Windows 11 and Workgroup
- Navigating the User Interface
- Comparing Different Versions and Architectures
- Overview of Different Types of Installation
- Overview of Sysprep and OOBE
- Using Sysprep to Change SID
- Installing Windows 11
- Basic Configuration
- Upgrading to Windows 11
- Using Hiren and Reseting Password
Users, Groups and Profile | - Overview of User and Built in Groups
- Common Configuration Options
- Managing User Accounts
- Managing Groups
- Managing Users and Groups by Commands
- Creating Mass User Creation
- Overview of Different Types of Profile
- Managing Local Profile
Network Connectivity | - Overview of Networking
- Configuring IP Network Connectivity
- Configuring Networking and Virtual Switch
Storage | - Overview of Different Types of Storage
- Overview of Different Types of File System
- Overview of Different Types of RAIDS
- Managing Disks
- Overview of MBR and GPT
- Creating Basic Partitions, Primaty, Extended and Logical
- Creating Dynamic Volumes, Simple, Spanned, Striped and Mirror
- Creating Virtual Hard Disks
- Managing Partitions and Volumes
- Managing Disks, Partitions and Volumes by Command
- File Systems and Allocation Unit Size
- Creating and Managing Storage Spaces and Pools
- Overview of Redundancy in Storage Spaces
- Managing 1 Way and 2 Way Mirror
- Managing RAID 5
- Advance Settings of Storage
- Creating Bootable USB by CMD
- Creating Bootable USB by Rufus
Managing Files and Printers | - Overview of File and Printers
- Configuring and Managing Printers
- Configuring and Managing File Access
- Configuring and Managing Shared Folders
- Configuring and Managing Offline File
- Configuring and Managing Map Networtk Drive
- Overview of Administrative Shares
- Creating Hidden Share
- Disabling Administrative Shares by Registry
Implementing Group Policy | - Overview of Local Group Policy
- Managing Local Group Policy
- Configuring and Managing Password Policies
- Configuring and Managing Account Lockout Policies
- Configuring and Managing Audit Policies
- Configuring and Managing User Right Assignments
- Configuring and Managing Security Options
- Configuring and Managing Application Control Policies
- Configuring and Managing Administrative templates Sub Policies
Managing Apps in Windows 11 | - Overview of Providing Apps to Users
- Windows Store
- Web Browsers
BIOS | - Overview of Power on Self-Test
- Overview of UEFI
- Overview of Legacy Traditional
Security | - Overview of Data-Related Security Threats and Access Control List (ACL)
- Overview of Device Security
- Overview of Using Security Settings to Mitigate Threats
- Managing NTFS Permissions
- Managing Share Permissions
- Securing Data with Encryption File System (EFS)
- Implementing and Managing BitLocker
- Managing User Account Control
- Overview of Network-Related Security Threats
- Configuring and Managing Windows Firewall
- Configuring and Managing Connection Security Rules
- Configuring and Managing Windows Defender
Troubleshooting and Recovery | - Overview of Devices and Drivers
- System Image Backup
- Recovering Files and Images
- Restore Point
- File History
- Previous Version Tab
Remote Desktop | - Overview of Remote Desktop
- Configuring and Managing Remote Desktop
- Configuring and Managing Remote Desktop Assistance
- Advance Settings of Remote Desktop
- Overview of Team Viewr and Anydesk
- Changing RDP Port by Registry